Warn Me Test on January 29
WarnMe Test on Jan. 29 To Introduce New Feature
Notification System Will Post Messages to New Web Page
The campus will introduce a new feature of WarnMe when it tests the emergency notification system at noon Wednesday, Jan. 29.
WarnMe and Aggie Alert messages distributed by text and email will now also be posted to a new web page that includes links to existing sources of information and resources helpful in an emergency. Those include the campus News and Information page, chancellor and provost’s messages, information and FAQs about campus safety and emergency services, and more.
Emergency officials encourage students to add to the WarnMe system their personal email addresses and mobile numbers — up to a total of five for each contact method —and keep them up to date.
Students may update their WarnMe contact information by visiting the main WarnMe website. Changes made for the WarnMe system do not update other university records; students should also update information for University Registrar records.
To those who have a ucdavis.edu email address, WarnMe and Aggie Alert messages can be sent by email and text. Messages may also be posted to the Everbridge Mobile App and UC Davis’ official X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook accounts.
The new web page enables self-subscribers to the emergency notification system —sent only those messages that the Davis campus distributes by text — and members of the public to view the content of both text and email messages. Emails may contain more information because they do not have the character limitations of text messages.