Am I in the Right Major?
Feeling unsure about your major? Wondering if it's burnout, a one-off negative experience with a class, or a deeper lack of passion for the field? You're not alone! Here are some tips to help you navigate this decision with confidence.
When Deciding to Add or Drop a Class, Consider:
Stress levels and enjoyment: Are you genuinely interested, or does the subject feel like a chore?
Past performance: How have you done in similar classes?
Well-being and values: Does this field align with your priorities, such as work-life balance, time for hobbies, and self-care?
Field culture: Are you comfortable with the norms and expectations within this field or department?
Seek Insight from Others:
Talk to others in the field: Connect with students in your major or professionals in your desired career path to understand what lies ahead.
Utilize campus resources: Peer Mentors, Professors, TAs, College and Major Advisors, and Career Center Advisors are here to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out—they’re ready to support you.
How to Connect with Advisors:
Advisors offer personalized guidance to help you make informed decisions as a student.
Schedule a meeting: Set up an appointment with your Peer, Major, or College Advisor to discuss your concerns and options.
Find the right advisor: Identify advisors specific to your major or college.
Explore Resources for Major and Career Exploration:
Check out the Master List of Tools/Resources for Major and Career Exploration
Join Us for Support and Snacks!
The First-Year-Experience Program hosts sessions designed to help you navigate your academic journey (with snacks and free stuff included!). Take a look at the weekly emails from your peer mentor for more details!
Need more help? Your Peer Mentor is just an email away! Drop by during their drop-in hours or schedule a 1-on-1 meeting, find your very own peer mentor here.