Residential Academics

How to Talk with Faculty

Scared to talk to your professor? That’s okay, a lot of students feel that way at first. Keep reading to bust common myths and fears about talking to faculty and learn how to make the best out of office hours!

What are office hours and why should I go?

Office hours are blocks of time that faculty set out to answer student questions about course materials, but it’s not limited to just class-related questions. Your professor is a great resource to go to for questions about future careers, research opportunities and more.

Stay on the Moove: Master Your Finals

Final exams are approaching faster than you think, and we’re here to help you get ready to ace them! Read more to learn about essential study tips, time management strategies that can last you through your college career and campus resources to set you up for success!

Finals Study Essentials:

Plan out your studying with a schedule!

Ready, Set, Schedule!

Hi Aggies!

We hope you’re thriving in your new home and enjoying all that being an Aggie has to offer!  With Fall quarter in full swing, now is the perfect time to start preparing for your winter quarter schedule.

What You Need to Know About Advising

Welcome Aggies! At UC Davis, we have advising teams that help facilitate navigating your academic journey.

We have multiple types of advising, including mandatory advising, major advising, peer advising, dean’s office and preparing for appointments.

Which Advising Categories Can Assist You and How?

Major Advising: consists of guidance toward your academic progress.

They may aid in: 

Intro to First Year Experience

Academic Peer Mentors: Your Guide to UC Davis Success

As a UC Davis student, you have a valuable resource at your fingertips: Academic Peer Mentors. These experienced Aggies are current students who are here to support your transition and help you thrive on campus.