Our Housing Won a NASPA Award

UC Davis’ housing program was awarded Gold by the 2024-2025 NASPA (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators) Excellence Awards for their program, Need-Based Rent Subsidy: Improving Long-Term Housing Affordability for Low-Income Students. In 2024, the program awarded 590 students (50% of income-qualified applicants) from the Green at West Village, Primero Grove and Orchard Park a total of $791,998. Students were classified into three categories: extremely low income, very low or low income and moderately low income or median income. Enrollment status, immigration status and if the students had dependents were also taken into account. Based on the classification, the students were awarded one of 3 tiers:

  • Tier 1: $360/month for 10 months at Orchard Park & Primero Grove, $900/quarter at the Green 
  • Tier 2: $240/month for 10 months at Orchard Park & Primero Grove, $600/quarter at the Green 
  • Tier 3: $120/month for 10 months at Orchard Park & Primero Grove, $300/quarter at the Green

All students with extremely low income were awarded, and 35% of subsidy recipients were undocumented, AB540 or international students. The program declares that equity is both a process and approach that recognizes that students do not all start from the same place; therefore the program must engage in an ongoing effort to identify and overcome barriers arising from bias or systemic structures. The program believes that every student, regardless of their financial situation, deserves to receive the residential education experience provided by Student Housing and Dining Services. 

Discover more about the award.

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